Neo4j & Python

Neo4j provides drivers which allow you to make a connection to the database and develop applications which create, read, update, and delete information from the graph.

Installing the Driver

The latest version of the Neo4j Python Driver can be installed using the pip command.

Installing Dependencies
pip install neo4j

Creating the Driver

Using the Neo4j Python Driver
# Import the neo4j dependency
from neo4j import GraphDatabase

# Create a new Driver instance
driver = GraphDatabase.driver("neo4j://localhost:7687", (1)
    auth=("neo4j", "neo")) (2)

# <3> Verify connection details

You should create one Driver object per Neo4j instance. The driver accepts two arguments, (1) a connection string and (2) an authentication token.

Once you have created a Driver instance, you can call the (3) verify_connectivity() method to verify that your credentials are correct.

Open a Session

Opening a Session
with driver.session() as session:
    # Run a Cypher Statement within a transaction

When you want to query Neo4j, you will first open a Session.

Sessions manage connections between the Driver and the Neo4j instance or cluster. These are lightweight objects that can be opened and closed with no overhead.

Reading From Neo4j

Reading from Neo4j
    # Define a Unit of work to run within a Transaction (`tx`)
    def get_movies(tx, title):
            MATCH (p:Person)-[:ACTED_IN]->(m:Movie)
            WHERE m.title = $title (1)
            RETURN AS name
            LIMIT 10
        """, title=title)

    # Execute get_movies within a Read Transaction
        title="Arthur" (2)

To read from a Neo4j Instance you should use the session to create a read transaction. The session provides a read_transaction() method, which should be called with a function represent the <1> unit of work.

The unit of work has one positional argument, representing the transaction and can accept one or more optional arguments.

Write to Neo4j

Writing to Neo4j
    # Call to execute the query to create a Person node
    def create_person(tx, name):
            "CREATE (p:Person {name: $name})",

Neo4j supports ACID Transactions to ensure that data is data is safely and consistently stored. A transaction, by definition, must be atomic, consistent, isolated, and durable.

The write_transaction() method provides the user with the ability to execute a unit of work.

In a Neo4j Cluster, your queries will always be routed to the leader of the cluster.

Close Connections

Once you have finished with your Driver instance, you can call the .close() method release any resources still held by the instance.

Close the Connection



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


Duis porta erat vestibulum placerat venenatis.


Morbi blandit accumsan risus in sodales.

ACID Transactions

In vel molestie massa. Curabitur sollicitudin quis purus dapibus accumsan.

Donec in vestibulum velit. Donec in iaculis nulla.

Neo4j Cluster

Duis porta erat vestibulum placerat venenatis.